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Did Mac Miller Die Because of a Drug Overdose?

Mac Miller was a well-loved and extremely well-known American rapper that was only 26 years old when he lost his life to a battle with drug addiction. Like many other celebrities who have lost their lives to addiction, Mac Miller was happy and full of life just days before his passing. His overdose was accidental – and sadly, it could have easily been prevented had he committed to a program of addiction recovery. Many musicians, artists, and otherwise deeply talented individuals struggle with addiction. Many celebrities who struggle with addiction do so in silence, afraid of public scrutiny should they make their struggles known.

Addiction Is a Chronic Brain Disease?

Even though many beloved celebrities have come forth about their issues with drugs and alcohol, even more celebrities are concerned about the stigmas that surround addiction. More and more people are starting to recognize addiction as a chronic and relapsing brain disease – however, there are still thousands of people that think less of people who use drugs or alcohol to excess. They might think that addiction is a matter of weak willpower or a lack of morals or conviction. They might take part in “cancel culture” should they find out that a certain celebrity has been engaging in substance use, and boycott them entirely. People who admit that they are struggling with substance abuse undeniably face some level of scrutiny and misunderstanding. It simply comes with the territory. However, facing some misunderstanding is certainly better than the alternative – losing your life at the hands of an accidental overdose before your 30th birthday. Did Mac Miller Die Because of a Drug Overdose?

Mac Miller and Substance Abuse

Did Mac Miller die because of a drug overdose? In short – yes. However, the overdose was accidental, meaning that the young artist did not overdose on purpose. Many of his close friends and family members reported that he would never think of taking his own life – that he was generally very happy and optimistic about his future. Mac Miller was pronounced dead at his own home in Los Angeles on November 5th. The toxicology reports that were later carried out found that he had three substances present in his system at the time of his death – cocaine, alcohol, and fentanyl.

What Drugs Exactly Was Mac Miller Abusing?

While cocaine and alcohol can both lead to overdose on their own, experiencing an overdose-related death at the hands of cocaine or alcohol is far less common than overdosing on fentanyl – a synthetic opioid narcotic that can be up to 100 times more potent than morphine. A bottle of prescription pills was also found in the home of the rap artist, and a powdered substance was found on his person at the time of death. How much of a role did drugs play in his death?

How Mac Miller Faced Addiction Problems?

Mac Miller had been open about his struggles with addiction, and he experienced several periods of sobriety that were always followed by a relapse. He spoke about some of his struggles in his music – specifically talking about the issues he had with “lean,” a drug made from a combination of promethazine (a medication used to treat motion sickness and allergic reactions) and codeine. As previously mentioned, had the famous rap artist committed to a long-term program of clinical care, he might still be alive today.

Evoke Wellness and Drug Addiction Recovery

At Evoke Wellness, we understand how difficult it can be to come to terms with the fact that drug use has led to unmanageability in your life. It is human nature to attempt to take on all of our problems – we often refuse help even when we know that it has become necessary. This could be because of pride, it could be because of ego – but the truth is, reaching for professional help is the bravest thing that a person can do. If you have been struggling with a substance abuse disorder of any kind and you are ready to begin living an entirely new way of life, just pick up the phone and get professional help for you or your loved one.

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