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Can You Overdose On Methamphetamine

Methamphetamine is a very addictive and powerful stimulant drug, increasing activity in parts of the brain and central nervous system. There are two kinds of methamphetamines: prescription and illicit forms of the drug. For example, Desoxyn, prescription medication can be prescribed to treat ADHD and obesity; however, it is not commonly used. Another form of methamphetamine is “meth” or “crystal meth.” These are illicit, synthetic forms of the drug that are widely abused today.  Can You Overdose On Methamphetamine

Methamphetamine Overdose Crisis Over The Country

Over the last several years, the opioid epidemic has been the primary focus in this country. In the meanwhile, methamphetamine use and abuse have become a crisis and have nearly reached epidemic levels. You absolutely can overdose on methamphetamine, and overdose deaths are rapidly rising in this country. Overdose from methamphetamine use is a leading cause of drug overdoses in the US. Sixty-seven thousand three hundred sixty-seven lives were lost in 2018 from methamphetamine. If you ever want to ask yourself “can I overdose from this drug” just assume the answer is always yes, maybe it will help you put the drug down, do you really want to go down that road? It will ruin your life, relationships, and your finances. You could also die from these drugs. 

More About Methamphetamine Overdose

Most methamphetamine-related deaths are a result of heatstroke, according to the University of Arizona. When the body suffers from heatstroke, it will cause multiple organ failures. Overdose on meth can also cause a sudden blood pressure increase which could lead to a hemorrhage. Meth also has several added dangerous chemicals in it, which could lead to poisoning. Methamphetamine is a dangerous drug. If you suspect someone may be experiencing an overdose, call 911 immediately. The National Institute of Health “Methamphetamine overdose deaths rise sharply nationwide” says:

Methamphetamine overdose deaths surged in eight years in the United States. The analysis revealed rapid rises across all racial and ethnic groups, but American Indians and Alaska Natives had the highest death rates overall. Deaths involving methamphetamines more than quadrupled among non-Hispanic American Indians and Alaska Natives from 2011-2018 (from 4.5 to 20.9 per 100,000 people) overall, with sharp increases for both men (from 5.6 to 26.4 per 100,000 from 2011-2018) and women (from 3.6 to 15.6 per 100,000 from 2012-2018) in that group. (NIH)

Signs And Symptoms of Methamphetamine Overdose

Meth abuse can cause a long-term buildup of the drug in the body. This buildup can cause a person to overdose even when they haven’t consumed a large amount of the drug. Some of the signs and symptoms of meth overdose can look similar to an individual being high on the drug, but there are slight differences. Some of the symptoms of methamphetamine overdose are:

  • Rapid or irregular heartbeat
  • Seizures
  • Trouble breathing 
  • Confusion or chest pain (signs of a heart attack)
  • Increased body temperature 
  • Blood pressure issues (high or low)
  • Intense stomach pain
  • Paranoia
  • Very dark urine or decreased urinary output (kidney failure)
  • Loss of consciousness 
  • Personality changes
  • Alertness changes
  • Hyper or intense aggressive behavior 


Overcome Methamphetamine Dependence at Evoke Wellness

Methamphetamine addiction is hard to recover from, but with readiness, willingness, and determination, recovery is possible. Begin a sober life now! Evoke Wellness assists men, women, and families throughout the United States struggling with substance abuse and searching for methamphetamine addiction treatment. Our network of treatment centers is carefully designed to offer long-lasting solutions for addiction issues. We can help you get on the road to long-lasting recovery. So why put it off any longer? Let us help you get to feeling better and get your life back. Just contact one of our addiction specialists, who are available around the clock and will be there to help you find the best treatment programs for you or a loved one.