
Build a foundation for lasting recovery

Guidance for Business Owners in Early Recovery

Recovering from addiction and alcoholism is one of the most difficult things a person can ever go through; it’s not always a smooth process. Relapses do happen, especially in early recovery. However, there are certain things one can do to improve their chances of successful long-term sobriety. And with long-term sobriety, drive, and a little determination, anyone can be a successful business owner.

Finding a Work-Life Balance As Recovering Business Owners

When we think of long-term sobriety, we are talking about years of continuous recovery. For business owners in recovery, the added pressures of keeping your company afloat and making a profit sometimes come at a cost, and that cost can be a relapse. Does that mean the treatment, counseling, support, and everything else you’ve learned while in recovery was a waste of time or a failure? The National Institute on Drug Abuse addresses if relapse back to active drug use means treatment has failed, and they define it as:

The chronic nature of addiction means that for some people relapse, or a return to drug use after an attempt to stop, can be part of the process, but newer treatments are designed to help with relapse prevention. Relapse rates for drug use are similar to rates for other chronic medical illnesses. If people stop following their medical treatment plan, they are likely to relapse. Treatment of chronic diseases involves changing deeply rooted behaviors, and relapse doesn’t mean treatment has failed. When a person recovering from an addiction relapse, it indicates that the person needs to speak with their doctor to resume treatment, modify it, or try another treatment. (NIDA)

Addiction is a chronic disease that requires lifetime treatment. The number one most important thing in the life of a recovering addict is to always put their recovery first. When you put your recovery first and continue treating your disease daily, everything else in life will fall into place. Guidance for Business Owners in Early Recovery

Keys to Success for Business Owners in Early Recovery

To be successful at running a business in early recovery, you have to stay sober. And for anyone in early recovery, developing a daily routine and finding fun, calming, and substance-free activities that they enjoy are essential for staying sober. Here are some other tips for having a successful recovery and business when you are newly sober. Be Patient – Don’t get discouraged if things don’t happen right away. Addicts are always looking for instant satisfaction. Well, recovery is just the opposite, it takes time. Be Kind To Yourself – All you can do each day is try your very best. If you give it your all each day, that’s all you can do. Aim High, But Be Realistic – Set goals for yourself, but make sure they are attainable goals. Don’t ever set unrealistic goals, it sets you up for disappointment and failure. Discover a New Hobby – Find something new to do with your time that you enjoy. Be Flexible – Stay flexible. Life is full of obstacles and disappointments at times, when you keep an open mind, there’s less chance of getting stressed out if something changes. Celebrate All Achievements – Any achievements no matter how small or big are worth celebrating. Be proud. Find New Friends And New Hang Out Spots – The minute you decide to get sober you have to change your people, places, and things. You can’t go back to where you came from and not expect to be triggered. Don’t Test Yourself – Being an addict you can never safely do anything when it comes to alcohol or drugs. That one drink can lead you back down a path to destruction. It’s not worth it! Socialize And Network – Find new people to hang out with that are drug and alcohol-free. Don’t isolate yourself. Isolation leads to loneliness, but making good connections can lead to overall happiness and reduce stress. Be Accountable – Find a sponsor or another supportive person that can help hold you accountable. Someone you can go to when you are feeling down or overwhelmed. There are a lot of very successful business owners that have suffered from substance abuse disorders and came out on top, and you can too. If you believe in yourself and stay on top of your disease by continuing to treat it daily, you can do anything you put your mind to. One of the keys here is to find something you enjoy doing; something that fulfills you and brings more happiness than using drugs or alcohol.

Contact Our Addiction Treatment Program

If you or someone you love is struggling with an addiction, our addiction specialists are available around the clock to assist you. Evoke Wellness offers safe medical detoxification in a comfortable environment and with minimal discomfort. We provide residential treatment in a structured environment and then provide you with aftercare support to help lead you on a road to long-lasting recovery. For business owners that are slipping, or went down the wrong path again, or perhaps for the very first time, the most important step is to reach out for professional addiction help, so don’t delay and act now.