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Opioid Use Disorder Treatment Programs Near Me

America is currently in the midst of what is widely known as an opioid epidemic. Prescription painkillers and heroin are largely driving the epidemic. According to numerous sources, high prescription rates of medications like oxycodone and hydrocodone during the mid1990s lead to more cases of heroin addiction. Many patients developed a physical dependence on these painkillers after being introduced to them for legitimate medical purposes. Once government officials realized how dangerous these medications were, they cracked down on distribution and made them far more difficult to prescribe.

Why Opioid Use Treatment NearMe Is Needed

Unfortunately, many individuals were already dependent, and rather than seek a professional opioid use treatment program near me, they simply transition from opioid painkillers to heroin. since then rates of heroin abuse and dependence have continuously climbed throughout the country, those certain areas are more hard-hit than others. The entire East Coast has been a specialty hard hit, and men and women of all ages and walks of life lose their lives to heroin-related overdose daily. It is estimated that between 21 and 29 percent of men and women who are initially prescribed opioids to treat pain will eventually abuse them. It is also estimated that between four and 6 percent of men and women who abuse these medications will ultimately transition to heroin. In the year 2017 alone, more than 47,000 Americans of all ages lost their lives because of an opioid narcotic. If you or someone you love has been struggling with opioid abuse or dependence and is ready to begin the process of comprehensive healing, you might be wondering, “Where can I find an opioid use disorder treatment program near me?” If you’re looking for a highly individualized and integrated program of recovery that tackles the physical, mental, and emotional consequences of opioid abuse or dependence, look no further than Evoke Wellness. Opioid Use Disorder Treatment Programs Near Me

What Opioid Use Disorder Treatment Looks Like

When looking for an opioid use disorder treatment program near you, there are several things that you will want to keep in mind before making any decisions. First of all, make sure that you do your research. Because the rates of opioid abuse and dependence are so high, people have opened up treatment centers that are predominantly focused on making a profit. Not every facility that markets itself as a treatment center is one. Make sure that you have done your research in-depth, and not you have spoken with more than just some of the staff members at the facility. Ask the facility for an alumni list, and get in touch with people who have gone through the program previously. Get someone on the line and ask the following questions:

  • What actions do you take if one of your clients experiences a relapse? You want to make sure that the treatment center is not going to simply kick out your loved one or anybody else who experiences your relapse while in treatment. While it is extremely difficult to relapse while you are in a facility that is monitored around the clock, it is not completely impossible. make sure that the treatment center focuses on helping the client enter into a more intensive level of clinical care, rather than simply kicking them out on their own with nowhere to go.
  • How often do you drug test? Some treatment centers drug test their clients far too frequently because they can collect insurance money if they do. make sure that the treatment center you are looking into only drug tests about once every two weeks or if they have reason to believe that the client has been using a chemical substance.
  • Does the treatment center offer more than 12-step program education and medication-assisted treatment? The most effective treatment programs focus heavily on intensive therapy and offer individual and group therapy as frequently as possible. At Evoke Wellness we offer a comprehensive program of care that focuses on covering all of the bases thoroughly.

Opioid Use Disorder Treatment at Evoke Wellness

If you are looking for an effective opiate use disorder treatment program near you, simply pick up the phone and give Evoke Wellness a call and we will begin our process of admissions. Because opioid addiction can be life-threatening, it is important to seek help as quickly as you can. We are experienced in treating opioid use disorders near me and will support you or a loved one to a full recovery.