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How Many Days Until You Are Completely Clean from Meth?

Methamphetamine is a highly addictive, illegal chemical substance that is extremely destructive and can completely upturn someone’s life in a short matter of days or weeks. If you or someone you love has ever had first-hand experience with methamphetamine abuse or addiction, you know how true the statement is. You know how completely devastating methamphetamine addiction can be. People who abuse methamphetamine experience an intense euphoric rush quickly replaced by an unpleasant come down, characterized by feelings of sadness and malaise, physical discomfort, and intense drug cravings.

Methamphetamine Abuse Effects In Your Body

Most people who abuse methamphetamine engage in a binge cycle of abuse, meaning that they continuously use more of the drug over a short period to avoid this unpleasant come down. When people use methamphetamine in a binge pattern, they can develop a physical and psychological dependence within a short matter of days. If you have been abusing methamphetamine and you want to quit, there is a very small chance that you will be able to quit on your own. This is because the psychological drug cravings that go hand in hand with methamphetamine use are powerful and overwhelming. To truly recover from methamphetamine and begin living the healthy and drug-free life you deserve, you must enter into a program of medically monitored detox.

Overcome Your Methamphetamine Addiction

At Evoke Wellness, we have extensive experience treating methamphetamine abuse disorders of all types and severities and helping men and women overcome methamphetamine addiction and go on to live healthy and productive lives. If you have been struggling with meth addiction and would like to learn more about our recovery program, pick up the phone and give us a call or contact us through our website. How Many Days Until You Are Completely Clean from Meth?

How Many Days Until Meth Leaves the System?

How many days until you are completely clean from meth? It depends on the severity of the substance abuse disorder and several other factors, like body weight, gender, and healthy kidney functioning. As a rule of thumb, people who have healthy kidneys can process chemical substances more quickly. Most people who abuse methamphetamine and want to begin living a life of recovery enter into a medical detox program, where they undergo meth withdrawal in a safe and controlled environment. Attempting to quit cold turkey is rarely effective because the drug cravings are so intense that experiencing a relapse is almost inevitable. However, this is not the case if a person admits him or herself to a medical detox facility, where he or she has access to around-the-clock clinical care and a range of recovery-related resources. If you are admitted to medical detox, there is a good chance that your body will be completely rid of methamphetamine within the first three or four days. Because methamphetamine is a short-acting drug, it tends to leave the system fairly quickly. This process can be sped up with several medications provided by the medical detox you choose to attend.

Why People Avoid Meth Recovery?

Many people avoid methamphetamine recovery simply because they don’t want to experience the withdrawal process. While methamphetamine withdrawal can be extremely uncomfortable, it is essentially pain-free when treated in a medical detox facility. The detox team’s role is to provide each client with the medications and treatment options he or she needs to undergo a completely safe and pain-free withdrawal. Four days of slight physical discomfort pales in comparison to a lifetime of fulfilling recovery – remember that!

Signs and Symptoms Of Methamphetamine Withdrawal

The signs and symptoms are most commonly associated with methamphetamine withdrawal include:

  • Body aches and pains
  • A low-grade fever
  • Insomnia and other sleep-related issues
  • Anxiety and paranoia
  • Panic attacks
  • Stomach cramping
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Restlessness
  • Irritability and agitation
  • General feelings of physical discomfort

Meth Addiction Help at Evoke Wellness

At Evoke Wellness, we effectively treat all of the symptoms associated with acute and post-acute methamphetamine withdrawal. To learn more about our comprehensive and effective methamphetamine addiction recovery program, contact us today. Our addiction specialist can help you find the best treatment program to help you on your path to sobriety. We offer evidence-based and solution-focused treatments and detox to help anyone to live a happier and healthier lifestyle free from addiction.