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Getting Over Death Without Turning to Drugs

Some things in life are extremely difficult to get through – some things that are emotionally devastating, and that are exceptionally hard to recover from. One of these things is experiencing the death of a loved one. It can be difficult to come face to face with mortality, and the grieving process is extremely involved and usually takes quite a bit more time than people anticipate. If you are in recovery from an addictive disorder and you have recently experienced death, there is a very good chance that you are feeling extremely triggered. Grieving isn’t easy – but adding a return to drug use to the mix will only exacerbate your emotional distress and slow the grieving process down significantly. There are five main and widely stages of the grieving process, which include:

  1. Denial
  2. Anger
  3. Bargaining
  4. Depression
  5. Acceptance

Getting Over Death Without Turning to Drugs

How to Get Over a Death Without Relapsing

To effectively overcome grief without turning to chemical substances, it is important that you experience all of these stages – and allow yourself time to heal and room to not be okay. Death is hard – it simply is. After experiencing the death of a relative, a close friend, or a beloved pet, you will not be okay for an extended period – and this is okay. Grieving is a part of life, and you can make it through absolutely anything without turning to drugs so long as you have the right tools in place.

The Grieving Process in Addiction Recovery

If you would like to undergo the grieving process and ultimately get over the death of a loved one without turning to drugs, there are several steps that you would benefit from taking.

  • Make sure that you allow yourself the space necessary to heal. If you need to take a day or two off of work, do so – go easy on yourself during this time.
  • Make sure that you stay up with your recovery program, even if you don’t feel up to doing so. Make a meeting every day, and if you feel up to it share where you are at. Call your sponsor daily and reach out for support from sober friends.
  • If you need additional sober support, don’t hesitate to reach out for it. This might mean making an appointment with an individual therapist or grief counselor or seeking out a support group that focuses on grief and loss. you might feel like you are alone in your sadness, but rest assured that many other people are experiencing the same thing that you are experiencing.
  • Even though grief is an extremely uncomfortable emotion, and even though you are probably used to turning to drugs whenever you’re feeling something that you don’t want to be feeling, allow yourself the space to feel deeply sad for as long as it takes. Remember that everything is temporary, and eventually, things will start to return to normal.

Evoke Wellness and Recovery from Addiction

At Evoke Wellness, we focus heavily on relapse prevention training, ensuring that all of our clients are instilled with the tools and coping mechanisms they need to stay sober through anything. If you have recently undergone a traumatic experience like the death of a loved one, and you have been struggling to stay sober because of it, please feel free to reach out to us today for additional insight and advice. We have extensive experience treating grief and the results of experiencing a significant loss. We know how difficult it can be to stay away from drugs if you do experience a loss – however, maintaining sobriety is always possible so long as you have the right tools in place. To learn more about drug addiction recovery, how to get over death without turning to drugs, or to learn more about our recovery program in general, call us today. our dedicated staff members are always standing by to offer additional support whenever necessary.