Emotional abuse is a form of controlling another person by using emotions. It can be criticism, shaming, blaming, embarrassing, or manipulating another person, or a…
Methamphetamine is usually called Meth or Crystal Meth. Methamphetamine is a stimulant type of drug that will make someone feel hyper and awake and unable…
You might have heard marijuana, a commonly used psychoactive substance, referred to as a “gateway drug.” This phrase was used more commonly several years back…
Addiction is a chronic health condition, one which can be effectively treated but never entirely cured. If you have been struggling with addiction, you might…
It is well understood that relapses often characterize recovery from drug addiction and alcoholism. In reality, a relapse doesn’t begin when you drink or drug.…
The most widely abused drug is alcohol. Many people do not think of alcohol as a drug since it is socially accepted as the norm.…
Alcoholism affects millions of families across the United States and kills more than 95,000 people each year. Alcohol use disorder or alcoholism is a chronic…
Drug addiction is a chronic and complex brain disease that affects millions of people from all walks of life. Addiction takes over every aspect of…
Alcohol has been a part of our culture for thousands of years. It is served at meals, during religious ceremonies, celebrations, and funerals and is…
The opioid epidemic in this country has caused a real dilemma for patients dealing with real pain, either chronic or acute. Often, physicians aren’t sure…